Losing tone when cycling presets


I recently purchased a Code 25 and uploaded some presets to it. When I first select the preset it sounds great, but if I go to another one for a little bit and cycle back, the sound is completely different. What could cause this? The only thing I'll change when playing is the master volume. It typically gets very boxy with a lot of bass and lose mid/treble sound. I have to turn it off then on to get it back.

asked 09 Apr 2023 at 11:23 PM

Cody Burns
Answers: 2


Are you sure you change MASTER volume, not just VOLUME pot?

answered 10 Apr 2023 at 08:06 AM

Jacek Klimkiewicz (261)
100% sure. I found it happen a lot less when I set my Bluetooth device on top of the amp. Maybe it's a connectivity issue? - Cody Burns 11 Apr 2023 at 02:48 AM


I found that I have to keep the Bluetooth device connection to stop this from happening. Can't play without it

answered 18 Apr 2023 at 04:12 PM

Cody Burns
Hello Cody,
So we can help further and get a better understanding do you mean you keep loosing Bluetooth connection?
- Marshall Amplification 20 Apr 2023 at 02:12 PM
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