HELP - Issue setting up Marshall Acton II with Google Assistant


Hi I have a Marshall Acton II for a couple years now and everything had been working fine until the day the google assistant stopped working so I tried a few things like disconnecting from power for 10 to 30seconds, connecting to a different network and when nothing working I tried a factory reset (press MODE and PLAY buttons for 7 seconds or more) this is where thing went wrong. the speaker setup in the Google Home app goes fine until it tries to connect to a wifi connection (yes, I have the correct password) the setup fails every time since and now I can only use the speaker with a Bluetooth connection
I also tried removing it from the Google Home app and adding it again
also deleted the Google Home app and cleared its cache and data

I have a samsung S22 with all the smart wifi turned off
any suggestions on how to overcome this situation?

edited 26 Apr 2023 at 09:42 AM

Miguel Senos

asked 26 Apr 2023 at 09:08 AM

Miguel Senos
Answers: 1


Hi Miguel,

For headphone and bluetooth speaker questions you will need to contact


Marshall Support

answered 26 Apr 2023 at 09:44 AM

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