Why i couldn't connect my Headphones with my Phone on Bluetooth??


Why i couldn't can connect my Headphones with my Phone on Bluetooth??

I have the Major IV Headphone andta Phone from Xiaomi M4Pro

edited 02 May 2023 at 08:24 AM

Bruno Odermatt

asked 30 Apr 2023 at 04:43 PM

Bruno Odermatt
Answers: 2


Hi Bruno,

Thank you for your message, can you please confirm which headphones you have and also which mobile device.


Marshall Support

answered 02 May 2023 at 07:48 AM



The Phone is from Xiaomi Poco M4Pro

answered 02 May 2023 at 08:25 AM

Bruno Odermatt
Hi Bruno,

Please use the link below to help with paring, make sure any old connections are deleted, hold down the gold button, it will turn white when switched on, carry on holding till it blinks blue this means it is in pairing mode, this should then show in your bluetooth settings it will go solid white when connected.


If this does not help, then please contact the shop purchased from.


Marshall Support
- Marshall Amplification 02 May 2023 at 08:33 AM
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