DSL1CR or DSL1HR running on 8 ohms


Hi there ,
I recently bought a DSL1CR and see that the one speaker output states 1x16 ohms. 
I am aware it can be run without a speaker for silent listening through the emulated output. 
Can I connect my 8 ohm 1923 external 2 -12 cabinet to the DSL1's 16 ohm speaker output and run it safely? 

asked 10 May 2023 at 03:08 PM

Russ F
Answers: 1


Hello Russ,

Thank you for your question, as the DSL1CR only has a 16ohms input it can only be connected to a 16ohms cabinet, connecting it to a 8ohms cabinet can cause damage.


Kind Regards

answered 11 May 2023 at 02:35 PM

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