Can't share presets!


I made precise adjustments for the preset #79 on Marshall Code. I tried many times to share it;  my amp is well plugged to my computer, and each time I try to share my own preset I get this message: "You cannot share this preset, as the settings match an existing Factory Preset." I don't understand because my own adjustments don't match the original Factory Preset...

Has anyone ever had this problem?


asked 10 Dec 2017 at 03:17 PM

Paul Magma
Answers: 1


Once again, I come to answer my own question ;-P I think I found out what I did wrong.

When you save your own presets on your Gateway App, once you've clicked on "Save" there's first a rectangle called "Amp",  and underneath another rectangle called "Library"; you have to tick both, make sure there's a  little X cross before "Amp" and "Library".  This modification made it work well.

answered 10 Dec 2017 at 07:18 PM

Paul Magma
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