Shall we expect it to get even better?


Dear Marshall,

Many thanks for the CODE product. The sound is generaly decent. However, there is still a big room for improvement on it. Can we expect that you are working on this in the upcoming firmware updates?

Also, it would be a great idea to put a "poll" for the users to vote on which amps need the most enhancement :) or even what new amps/cabs to introduce!



asked 10 Dec 2017 at 08:44 PM

Nizar Odeh
Answers: 2


Hello Nizar,

Thank you for your comments we are always working towards improving our products for our customers any feedback is always appreciated. 


Kind Regards

Marshall Support

answered 11 Dec 2017 at 09:34 AM

So in other words NO, nothing will be done to improve the code range . And feedback is a waste of time as it will be ignored. - Martin Blyth 11 Dec 2017 at 04:44 PM
Dear Martin

We are sorry you feel that we do not take customer comments and suggestions to improve the range seriously. We can assure you that every complaint or suggestion is looked at individually and where ever possible we work to try and implement any improvements or suggestions that we receive that we believe will improve the product for our players. In order to make sure changes are viable we have rigorous testing procedures which involve testing modifications and sonic testing before anything can be done with products in the market.

The whole purpose of MY Marshall is to provide you as customers with access to contact us directly so we can collate and test and evaluate such suggestions. Please also be aware that in some situations some suggestions may not work, or may interfere with the CODEs operation and because of this we cannot always implement every suggestion. However wherever a suggestion improves a players ability to enjoy one of our products we aim to implement such as change as quickly as possible.

Kind Regards
Marshall Support
- JOANNA GREEN 14 Dec 2017 at 11:00 AM



I'm probably not going to be popular for this response but here goes anyway:

Exactly how much better could these things get???

I have five of them (1 x 25 for practice and 2 x 50s and 2 x 25s for live and recording) (for recording they're micd. up).  Please believe me when I tell you that people (and I'm talking pro. musicians here who've been at this longer than I care to remember) don't sometimes believe me when I tell them that I'm using CODE amps.  They assume they're like the top of the range Marshall valve amps.  I kid you not.  Yes: I've added a little extra (like a compressor pedal and stereo delay pedal) in front of the amps. but that's it.  Having had experience myself with (old) Marshall valve amps. over the years: I don't think you can beat this range to be honest (not for versatility, portability, realiability, simulation, sound quality, tone, you name it) (but then I also have not had any issues whatesoever such as those being listed on these forums).  And before going this route: I spent thousands (tens of thousands actually) on garbage like amp. sims., expensive sound cards, you name it.  Ended up coming full circle to CODE amps micd. up (and through an Alto PA with subs. for larger venues).  One thing that people do discount is input.  To be honest: maybe I've just been lucky there too.  I've heard these things with different guitars and sometimes things don't sound too great either.  I've a Blaze VC-II and Jackons (Dinkys and a Soloist).  The Blaze has powerful pickups but is a tad darker than the Jackons which have ceramic magnets in the pickups and this definitely alters the sound coming out of the CODE amps.  Dunno.  Like I said: maybe I just was lucky.  Maybe I got the perfect combo. of amps. and guitars.  All I know is that I'd not trade my current setup for anything.  It's quite a thing to get off on your own sound lemme tell ya!!!  LOL!!!

Honestly I only have four criticisms (none of which have to do with sound quality):

- Why on EARTH did Marshall make the CODE 100H head the size it did???  It looks ridiculous on top of the CODE 100 cab.!!!  LOL!!!  It should have been made the same width as the cab. (same as the valve heads).

- You can only use one PRE-FX in the chain (hence my having to add a compression pedal).

- The old old story of the Master Volume not being linear in operation (kinda either off or on ten).

- Marshall support (sometimes)!!!  LOL!!!



answered 19 Feb 2018 at 10:39 AM

Dale Paterson (105)
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