Speaker/Cabinet for DLS-1H



I just bought a DSL-1H power amp head. I intend to use my old amp which is broken as a speaker but, 
the speaker (Celestion G12M-70) is 4 ohms. So I have to change it to 16 ohms in order to be compatible
with the DLS1H.
1. What type of speaker would you recommend? 2. Otherwise, what marshall cabiet model for this small amp power ?

Thanks in avance
Regards Philippe (From France)

asked 27 Jan 2024 at 02:01 PM

Philippe Mathon
Answers: 1


Hi Philippe,

Thank you for your comments,  we always recommend the OHMs match and also power rating to the amplifier.


Marshall Support


answered 06 Feb 2024 at 09:08 AM

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