Marshall DSL40CR troubles


Clean Channel 1, FX Loop and the 6 Button footpedal stopped working entirely. I cannot switch to clean channel with the button on the amp either. Same for the FX loop. It was working fine last saturday 2/3/24 and by Monday this happened.

Channel 2 OD both Green and Red work fine and sound fine. Both Master Volumes work and the EQ section works. 

It's literally stuck on channel 2 and the FX loop and footswitch do not work.

asked 07 Feb 2024 at 02:20 PM

Roger Gordon
Answers: 1


Hi Roger,

Thank you for your comments, we would suggest having the amp looked at for repair, please contact , with full details of the fault and when you purchased the amp and where you are based.


Marshall Support

answered 09 Feb 2024 at 11:07 AM

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