Wich tubes for my EL 34 100/100 power amp (for metal) ?



I have a little problem. I play a rocktron voodoo valve preamp with a marshal EL34 100/100 power amp. 
The sound is really amazing.  He is very rich but not artificial like other rack elements. 
It sounsds like a more precise amp head. 
The only thing I don't like so much is one frequency in the highs.  Whatever I do this frequency is already there.  Not that she sounds harsh... But a little bit brittle sounding highs. 
I think it's perhaps the typicaly British EL34 touch ?
Anyway.... I play metal (lamb of god,  god forbid,  pantera,  alice in chains stuff .....
I know everybody's here will say "change the tube for 6L6" 😂
But I'm not a big fan of 6L6 ...too dirty Mids and not bluesy enough (I love playing blues and for that the EL34 are awesome. )
After many researches I read that KT77 tubes could be a good alternative for me...EL34 sound with the lows of 6L6 , more nuanced Mids and beautifull highs... Not brittle like EL34's. 
So here is my question. What do you think about that.  Is here anyone that tried and compare these 3 power tubes? 
What do u have to expect? 
'Scuse my English.... I'm french and I do my best ^^
Thanks to everyone here.  

asked 11 Dec 2017 at 07:08 PM

GUEBLE Michael
Answers: 1


Hello Gueble,

Regarding your question,  any change of the power valves the unit would need to be altered by an engineer, this is not a modification we have ever carried out on a 100/100 and as we do not modify our amplfiiers we could not provide the information of what would need to be altered or changed to accomdate the change of power valves.


Kind Regards

Marshall Support

answered 15 Dec 2017 at 10:36 AM

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