my phone keeps disconnecting from my amp


Why does my phone keep asking for a paring pin ever five to ten minutes to connect to my Marshall code 25 and keep disconnecting from my phone i have a Google Pixel 7a 

asked 04 Mar 2024 at 05:57 PM

Toby King
Answers: 1


Hi Toby,

We would suggest making sure all firmware is upto date, also make sure you have the lastest app version, if you still have trouble please try the below link,


Marshall Support

answered 11 Mar 2024 at 04:24 PM

I have the same phone but do not have that problem with this amp. I have a CODE 50 though, I have had that issue with a Fender Mustang GT. It was the firmware and once I updated it it worked for awhile until they updated it again and it started to do it again. Also make sure that your phone is not trying to connect with anything else close by. It will kick you right off of your amp. - Floyd Benson 26 Mar 2024 at 11:09 PM
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