Someone who is new, I know how to improve your sound.


The main problem of Marshall Code is a bad cabinet simulation. You may just turn off this button right on your amp and the sound will get better. Moreover, the compressor helped me as well. If you want to use distortion/overdrive, you may switch Pre FX from this pedal to compressor, but change your amp by means of the button on your amp to sone amp with OD letters in its name. And of course set Gain to it Max setting. You will get such a great but distorted/overdriven (depends on Gain) sound.

asked 01 Jul 2024 at 08:33 PM

Roman Fedukovich (1)
Will give it a try!
Would be awesome, if there is a chance to use own IRs in the future to improve the dark and bassy cabinet simulation.
- Sven Fiedler 04 Jul 2024 at 08:53 AM
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