Marshall Monitor II Battery dead (planned obsolescence)?


I'm a bit frustrated. I love my Monitor II A.N.C headphones, but they suddenly broke over night. After recharching, the phones signaled low battery after short time of usage. Now the battery is loading for quite a while without getting the LED to white. As soon as I disconnect the headphones from the power cable, it doesn't respond at all. It's not possible to switch it on pushing the control knob. When plugged in, it sometimes starts but goes off immediately again. 


I can only use it via audio cable connection but not via Bluetooth anymore.

The thing is, this is the second time I experienced such a malfunction. I bought my first Monitor II six years ago and it broke after three.

Now the second pair broke after three years as well. Is this really a ooincidence?


I tried a hardware reset of the headphones but that did not work either.


Has anyone of you experienced such a behavior as well?


asked 10 Jul 2024 at 01:18 PM

Frank Scheffler
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