Marshall Major IV headphones only pairing with one device and not discoverable by others


Hello! I recently bought new Marshall Major IV headphones but I'm having issues with pairing. When they're paired with my phone, they don't show up at all when my laptop Bluetooth is searching for available devices (even when I've disconnected them from my phone). Only when I reset the headphones and remove the phone pairing, they finally show up on my laptop. But when I pair with my laptop, they don't show up in the discover/available devices list when my phone Bluetooth is searching for devices. And when I try to pair again with my phone without removing the device, it says "pairing rejected by Major IV".
I've tried resetting the headphones, restarting my phone and laptop, updating my Bluetooth driver, bringing the headphones closer, and so on. Does it mean my headphones can only store the memory of one paired device?? Do I have to perform a hard reset every time I need to switch from my phone to laptop? Because that would be very inconvenient. 
I'd really appreciate help. Thank you!

asked 14 Aug 2024 at 07:12 PM

Zuni S
Answers: 1


Make sure you you are in pairing Mode on the headphones. Press the Button for 4 sec until light flashes blue. And make sure that all other bluetooth connection are turned off.

answered 15 Aug 2024 at 02:54 PM

Sven Fiedler (2)
Thank you! It's working now. I was trying to pair the headphones to the second device while it was flashing white, and not blue. - Zuni S 19 Aug 2024 at 07:05 AM
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