Code 100 combo - can it be used as a head?


I have a code 100 combo and there is an output on the back just like the code 100h. Is it possible to plug the code 100 combo into a speaker cabinet and just use it like the code 100h?

asked 17 Jan 2018 at 11:21 AM

Ian Reid
Answers: 1


Hello Ian,

You can plug  your Code100 Combo into a speaker cabinet as long as the impedance is matched. You will loose all  sound from the combo speaker.


Kind Regards 


Marshall Support

answered 17 Jan 2018 at 02:36 PM

Hi Ian,

Any recommendations on how to do this? I do own a CODE100 and looking to try a separate cabinet.
What are the safety measures to do this?
Does the CODE100 recognizes the external cabinet automatically by just plugging the 1/4 cable?

Thanks in advance!
- Kaylor Molina 09 Dec 2018 at 08:42 PM
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