Systematic Hiss/Scratch when recording through Code 25


I am trying to record using my Code 25 amp.

When I record, i get a strong scratchy, hissy noise that happens regularly for 5 seconds every 15 seconds.

I've swapped cables, guitars, computers, etc. and still get the hiss. I swapped amps with an older Vox modular amp and the recording is fine. So it almost certainly a problem with the Code 25. Of course I bought the Marshall amp to replace the Vox because I don't like the Vox's sound, so just using the Vox is not an option.

Any suggestions? What could cause the interference I described through the Code 25?

(BTW, I'm recording with very high quality USB/guitar cables, a JP Majesty guitar, and audacity.)

asked 02 Feb 2018 at 05:05 PM

Sal Reading
Answers: 2


Hi Sal,

Thank you for your message, is your Code upto date with Firmware, there was a fix in the updates that helped this issue.

Marshall Support

answered 05 Feb 2018 at 09:56 AM



As well, you could try going from the "headphone out" straight into the "line in" on your computer!  Always sounds perfect. It's how I've recorded all my stuff for years! Usb interface is cool, but simplicity is even cooler!

Some samples;

answered 27 Feb 2018 at 02:34 AM

ssolo 8 (2)
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