2017 DSL100H Footswitch


I just purchased a new DSL100H and provided a footswitch that doesn't work. It tries to switch channels but as soon as I lift my foot the channel reverts back.  The model number of the switch is PEDL-90010.  I read in the manual that the switch I should've received is a PEDL-90009.  They both look similar but does anyone know if that makes a difference? Thanks.

asked 12 Feb 2018 at 05:51 AM

Fergie Ferguson
Answers: 1


Hello Fergie,

Regarding your question PEDL-90010 is for the MG range of amplifers so will not work with your DSL100H, the pedal you require is PEDL-90009 but the stock number for this has now changed to PEDL-91003. We recommend that you take to the pedal back to the dealer it was purchased through and exchange it for the correct pedal model. 


Kind Regards


Marshall Support

answered 12 Feb 2018 at 01:56 PM

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