My laptop doesn't recognize the code driver


I recieved the usb cord for my Code 50 today but no matter what I do it says code not connected.

I even tried the pressing pre fx,mod,rev buttons while turning on the amp but it says code not connected on the amp and amessage comes up on my laptop that says driver not recognized

asked 16 May 2018 at 11:26 PM

Mark Johnson
Answers: 1


Make sure you are connecting using Google Chrome.

answered 18 May 2018 at 09:00 AM

James sher (7)
I made sure my google chrome is the up to date version it says I have version 66.
When I press the press pre fx,mod,rev buttons and turn the power button the amp shows code not connectednd the laptop says driver not recognized.
I tried hooking it to a different laptop and get the same thing happens.
The usb cord is new and I'm having another one sent to rule out the cord.
Since the driver can't be downloaded on the internet I will hope it is the cord if not I guess it maybe the amp and I'll deal with zzounds music.
I even downloaded the opera brwser and it says code not connected so my browsers allow midi.
I need to update the firmware because my version shows 1.1 and the most current online says 1.4 but the firmware update goes so far as connect code with usb cord
Thank you for the assistance.
- Mark Johnson 21 May 2018 at 12:59 AM
Hi, I have the same problem but mine was working intermittently, now it won't connect at all, not even any messages to say it's not connected. Tried new usb leads, downloaded usb drivers and et al but no luck - can you tell me what Chrome has to do with it? -I can't download the firmware without it, but Bluetooth works, can I download it on that? - Leone Britt 11 Jul 2018 at 09:56 AM
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