Is there a Marshall gateway app for laptops and desktop?


         Dear Marshall Applification cop. ,

          I have been waiting to get a CODE 25, and today i noticed my phone was not compatible with the app. I use my laptop for every thing and wondered if the app was on pc. I notice that the application is only for smartphone devices.  Is there a  Marshall gate way app for the pc, and if not is one coming out?

Thank you.

asked 21 Jun 2018 at 07:36 PM

Conner Speed
Answers: 1


Hi Conner,

Thank you for your message, unfortunately there is not a PC based app for Gateway, if you cannot download from your device try using our APK file, using the link below't-be-installed-google-play-says-this-app-is-not-compatible-with-your-device

Marshall Support

answered 25 Jun 2018 at 08:02 AM

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