Speaker info


Hi, Do someone know if the "custom voiced" speakers on a CODE 4x12 8ohm cabinet are the same as in the mg412a cabinet ? The mg cab is loaded with celestion g12-412mg 8ohm speakers that look like celestion rocket 50 but seem to be rated at 30 watts ... because the cab is rated 120w... some AVT cabs are loaded with celestion g12-412avt and some with celestion rocket 50 but AVT cabs are 16ohm (maybe the cause of suffixes change on the g12..) I've browsed  the celestion website to find some answer and the only one that had the same magnet is the rocket 50 and is rated to 50 watts... i would like to know what kind of speakers are on the CODE cab and if the mg412a cabinet sounds about the same as the CODE 412 cab with a CODE 100h head ...i don't like the format of the CODE cab...but want to keep all the tone modeling capabilities of the CODE 100w head

asked 18 Apr 2020 at 02:13 AM

Steve Paquet
Answers: 2


Hi Steve,

The speakers for the Code are not the same, these have been designed for Code, as they have been designed for the sound of a digital output.


Marshall Support

answered 20 Apr 2020 at 07:28 AM



I tried to connect a 4 Ohm HiFi loudspeaker to my Marshall Code 25 to the external loudspeaker connection that was easily built in later. Without loudspeaker simulation, the HIFI Speaker sounds like a piezo loudspeaker from a cheap children toy. It sounds much  better with the Code speaker simulators. Well done Marshall! However, it sounds still too much like baby squawking and there is not enough pressure on it. In any case, it's not much fun. It really sounds good with my 4x12 Vintage30/Greenback Mixture Cabinet. Just as I expect when I compare it with my 1987x or JTM45 with THD Hot Plate attached. Well, you need good speakers. If the Marshall Code cabinet is good enough, I can't answer. But I'm sure HIFI speaker were not used by Marshall.

answered 21 Nov 2021 at 11:36 AM

Alex Thies (17)
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