I am located in South Africa and have just purchased a Marshall Stanmore Pitch Black Bluetooth Speaker yesterday from the Apple iStore online site which should be delivered in the next 3-5 working days. Being a high-end brand with reputable history and having read several good reviews on this product prior to my purchase, I did not verify if there are any concerns raised about this product. Last night however I searched the internet for any customer complaints on this product and was shocked to find many complaints/problems registered regarding Bluetooth becoming unusable and the unit going dead (not powering-up at all) within the first 12 months of purchase. The aforementioned makes me hugely concerned about reliability and quality of this product to the extent that I am considering to cancel my purchase. I know that world-wide there must have been thousands of these units sold since its launch making the listed problems possibly a small percentage. What concerns me is the consistency of the registered/reported problems and that there might be many more of similar nature which have not been listed by unhappy customers.
Can I please ask you to be honest and confirm if there are any inherent problems with this specific product? I would rather refrain from purchasing a Marshall branded product than to later joint the seemingly huge number of unsatisfied customers when it comes to this specific product. I rely on your integrity to be honest with me in urgently replying to my above question to enable cancellation of my purchase.
Hello Dirk,
We have not had any major problems regarding the bluetooth, but i can put you in contact with the manufactures Zound for their opinion their e-mail contact is support@marshallheadphones.com.