JVM 205h using 2 cabinets at the same time?



I have read that JVM can handle 2 cabinets at the same time. 

For example:

1. connect 2x12 ( 2 -> 16ohm speakers in parallel )  into 2x16ohm input ( 8ohms ) 

2.connect 2x12(2->8ohm speakers in parellel ) into 2x8ohm input ( 4ohms )


Both connected at the same time. it looks like JMV OT is designed to handle it. I would like to confirm if that is save. 




asked 26 Nov 2016 at 02:46 AM

Esteban Rodriguez
Answers: 1


Hello Esteban,

We only recommend that you connect a maxium of two cabinets at any one time, you can use  either of the descriptions you have given us. 

answered 28 Nov 2016 at 08:23 AM

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