How far can you turn this up without blowing it up!? Code 50


How  far can you turn this up wihtout blowing it up!? Code 50

Ive got a main  Heavy Metal Tone I use all the time. The volume in the preset is set to  1.8. I have it that low so it doesnt blow my Clean sound away when I click between the two. 

I was playing with a drummer the other day and I had the master volume up to maybe close to half and I was worried I was going to blow the speaker.

So How  far up is safe?


Oh Im using a Code 50.

edited 23 Dec 2016 at 02:56 AM

Mark Ensign

asked 23 Dec 2016 at 02:50 AM

Mark Ensign
Answers: 2


Hi Mark,

The Code is built to go to the full volume, so should have no problems playing to a higher volume.

Kind Regards

Team Marshall

answered 04 Jan 2017 at 04:43 PM

Thanks. - WILLIAM F NAPPI 27 Mar 2018 at 07:47 AM


Also play your amp as loud as u can stand for a few weeks helps break the speaker in and sounds way better at lower volumes after that 👍

answered 15 Feb 2017 at 09:25 PM

Frank Deitsch (1)
Thanks. - WILLIAM F NAPPI 27 Mar 2018 at 07:48 AM
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