Gateway app unavailable on Samsung Galaxy A5???


Hi Dear Marshall Team. I can't download the app on my Galaxy A5 phone. I checked the system updates and stuff like that, but anyway, Play Store says that it's "Unavailable on your device". What's wrong with it???

asked 03 Mar 2017 at 08:04 AM

Alexander Alojants
Try this: go to Play Store and copy the full link on the browser. Then, go to and in the search tab insert the link copied from the Play Store. This Apk site will create a link to the app which will be donwloadable to your pc. Then, copy the app from your pc to your phone and install it from there. Probably you will have to unmark the Unknown sources box on your phone settings (allow installation of non-Market apps option). Hope this helps. - Dake Warren 04 Mar 2017 at 12:11 PM
Thanks man, it worked!
- Alexander Alojants 27 Mar 2017 at 07:21 PM
Answers: 1


Hi Alexander

We have had lots of people able to download and use the Gateway app without any issues with this phone, if you are having problems, I would advise you contact Google Play and they can help with device set up, which a known problem for not being able to download the app.

Kind Regards

Team Marshall

answered 03 Mar 2017 at 08:54 AM

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