JVM210C - issues with Preamp PC Board



This is more of a warning than a question -

I made the mistake of buying a used JVM210c on ebay -  it was problematic from day one. I spent well over a $1,000 on repairs over the course of a year.

I finally found a tech who knew what he was doing - turns out the JVM210c has issues with the preamp pc board. The amp sounds greats since the board was replaced and have had no new issues.

I don't know how widespread the issue is but make sure you get a good warranty before you buy.


asked 05 Jul 2017 at 02:52 PM

Lawrence Medeiros
Thank you for your Warning. I have a broken JCM 800 Combo (vintage 1984) at shop for Repair Estimate. If it is more than $100, I going to tell them to keep it. It might have some vintage value (but I not worth the difficulty of Fixing it up and Selling it). - George Dirmeier 06 Jul 2017 at 03:04 PM
So what exactly was happening? I have a 215C that is giving me problems on the clean channel. For some reason it just goes out while I am playing or when I am switching from OD back to clean. You can barely hear it when playing but for the most part its muted. No pedals in the way, just guitar and straight in. OD works fine. And this happens if I use the foot switch or the button on the front to change channels. - Brandon Lopez 24 Jul 2017 at 08:18 PM
Not sure it's the same problem.
The amp did not work at all when I received it. Thought the fuse or a tube may have been damaged during the delivery. The seller swore it worked fine the day before he shipped it (probably a lie). Rather than pack it and send it back, I didn't think it would be a big deal to have it looked at. So I took the amp to a tech and he replaced a tube and a fuse (I later learned this violates eBay's return policy - if it doesn't work out of the box send it back!).
The amp would work fine for a couple of days after each repair and then would make a lot of hissing and loud crackling noise and eventually stop working (nothing - no guitar, no noise, nothing). This cycle would repeat it self at least 6-8 more times after each repair before the last tech decided it was the board.
You should bring it to a certified tech but beware of paying for unnecessary repairs that don't resolve the issue!
Good luck!
- Lawrence Medeiros 24 Jul 2017 at 10:08 PM
Thanks for the response Lawrence. Maybe not the exact problem butI have already replaced two preamp tubes and had the input jack reworked thinking it could all be related. Just one tech so far. I sent a message to Marshall but have not heard back. We'll see.

- Brandon Lopez 25 Jul 2017 at 03:34 AM
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