Data transfer between footswitch and CODE


Dear Marshall Team,

I just get my footswitch and it comes with interconnceting cable and work just fine.

When I check the cable, it just normal cable with 2 wires in it. And I believe it is used to power up the footswitch with some DC voltage. I am curious how the digital data was transfered between the amp and the switch. Is it through the same wires or wirelessly?

If it is wireless, can I supply the DC power to the footswitch (at front of the stage) and put the amp on the back? What is the voltage and polarity?



asked 10 Jul 2017 at 12:39 AM

Javen Roth (13)
Hi Javen,

The cable is for both power and data, so would need this connected for the F/S to work.

Kind Regards

Team Marshall
- Lee Tomlin 10 Jul 2017 at 08:14 AM
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