Code 50 input jack problem


All of a sudden the input jack is making horrible buzzing noises when a cable is plugged in. Is this a hardware issue or would a factory reset fix it?

asked 19 Jul 2017 at 10:12 PM

Scott Waters
Answers: 3


Hi Scott,

If you perform a factory reset this should help resolve the issue.

Team Marshall

answered 20 Jul 2017 at 08:08 AM



The reset did nothing more than wipe out my presets. The noise from the input jack is still there, sounds like 60 cycle hum on steroids.

answered 22 Jul 2017 at 02:20 PM

Scott Waters


I had a very similar issue. I got bad hum and could wiggle the input jack of the guitar in the CODE and it would either clear it up for a short time or totally disconnect the guitar from the amp.  I took the amp apart and had a real close look at the input jack.  What I found was that my cables ( I don't know if all cables do this) seemed to insert into the jack too far.  This resulted in a distortion/bending of the little contact tabs of the CODEs female jack which, in extreme cases, shorted the jack out.  I ended up taking a small piece of wadded up paper towel and dropping it into the CODEs input jack so the cable jack wouldn't go in as far.  Everything has been fine ever since I did this but it drove me crazy for the first month I had the amp.  Since I bought it used I couldn't take it back or send it in under warranty so I had to do my own digging.  It has been four months since I did this and have not had a repeat of the issue.  You don't need much paper towel, just a small corner wadded up less than 1/8" inch , about 2mm.

answered 31 Jul 2017 at 08:09 PM

Dave Witek (14)
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