Can I use a PEDL-00055 with a JVM410H (not HJS)?


Hi all.

I just bought a used JVM410H, but it didn't come with a footswitch. I do have access to a footswitch from a JVM410HJS (PEDL00055), but for whatever reason it doesn't like the JVM410H...even though AFAIK it should.

Can anybody suggest a solution, please?


asked 24 Jul 2017 at 08:17 PM

Robert Cowie
The Marshall website does list the MODEL: PEDL-91005 foot switch as the correct unit for the JVM410H amp. - Pilgrim Freitag 02 Feb 2018 at 11:07 PM
Answers: 1


Hello Robert,


The JVM410HJS pedal should work with the JVM410H, we would recommed the you reinitalise the amplifier details on how to do this are in the manual. If this does not work and you can change channel manually on the amplifier then the footswitch may be faulty. 

answered 10 Aug 2017 at 12:32 PM

That must be the case, then, since I had taken these steps initially and the problem persisted.

Thank you for the response.
- Robert Cowie 10 Aug 2017 at 04:12 PM
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