CODE 100H... WHEN???


I have been patiently waiting for Guitar Center to get these in stock. Three days ago, I saw there was light at the end of the tunnel... They were to be made available on August 7th! So, I hastily ordered two of them. This morning, I checked on my order, and the availability date is now October 9th! 

Seriously, why the delay? Why can we not get a firm release date? How will Marshall make this right with loyal, dedicated customers who won't just cancel their orders and go buy another brand?

asked 29 Jul 2017 at 01:33 PM

Hayden Blackthorne
Hi Hayden,

Thank you for your message, We have not given any date for when the Code 100 would be out, so we are unsure to why the shops are giving dates for that, as soon as we have a date, it will be on our social media and website.

Kind Regards

Team Marshall
- Lee Tomlin 31 Jul 2017 at 09:22 AM
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