CODE 25 plays playback songs via Bluetooth?


I just ordered my CODE 25 but I couldn't find any info about bluetooth playback, only via input jack. 

Is that possible? Thanks a lot! 

asked 05 Oct 2017 at 06:30 PM

Francisco Fronza
Answers: 2


Yes, it's possible, just connect your phone via BT and play track in marshall gateway or your favourite music player

answered 06 Oct 2017 at 09:35 AM

Denis Moysienko (85)
Thanks Denis!! \m/ - Francisco Fronza 06 Oct 2017 at 01:14 PM



I have a problem, when I send music with bluetooth from my phone to Code 25 amp, the sound is not good.

But when I use stereo jack to send music from my mobile phone to Code 25 Amp, all is ok

some idea bout it?

answered 21 Oct 2017 at 06:50 PM

Ewing Falla
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