Marshall Guv'nor pedal UK circa1990.


I need to replace the footswitch, preferably with a heavy duty one. Do you have a soft copy of the owners manual and parts list that I can use? Or maybe direct me to where I can find one that matches the original.

This is one of my fav all time pedals that has always been part of my rig, and dont want to lose it.

thanks for your help!!


asked 07 Nov 2017 at 07:55 PM

Tom Bruno
Answers: 1


Hello Tom,

We do still have some orginial parts for the Guvnor if you wish to order and pots or switches these would need to be ordered through our USA Distrubutor Marshall USA. 

answered 08 Nov 2017 at 10:40 AM

Is there contact info somewhere? phone or email?
- Andy Adams 25 Oct 2018 at 02:55 AM
Hello Andy,
Their contact number is 800-877-6863 .
Kind Regards
Marshall Support
- JOANNA GREEN 25 Oct 2018 at 08:06 AM
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