Code 25


I recently purchased the Code 25 from Guitar Center.   I downloaded the app to my Galaxy S5 and paired it with the amp.   Day 1 everything worked fine.   Day 2, the bluetooth connection is dropping whenever I make a setting modification via the app.....very frustrating as this did not happen Day 1.   Can you help?

One more piece of info, the bluetooth connection actually stays active after the Gateway app drops as I can still play audio from my phone thru the Code 25.   It is the Marshall Gateway app which drops the connection after I make any change.   The app appears to drop the connection as soon as I strike any note on my guitar.       Once the connection drops in the app, it will not reconnect.    The only way I've gotten it to reconnect is to drop the pairing and re-pair.   Interesting that when it 'pairs' it always produces a new pairing code.

edited 03 Jul 2016 at 03:43 PM

Joshua Morris

asked 03 Jul 2016 at 02:51 PM

Joshua Morris
Answers: 1


Hi Joshua,

Thanks for making us aware, we've passed this on to our team to look into and hope to issue a firmware update to help with this issue.

answered 13 Jul 2016 at 06:43 PM

Chris Robinson (338)
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