Origin 20h Speaker : Which manual is correct


Dear Marshall Support Team,

I am reaching out to seek clarification regarding the Origin 20 Head  amplifier.

I have encountered some discrepancies between the online manual and the physical manual provided by the previous owner, specifically concerning the operation of the speakers. Could you please provide detailed guidance on this matter to ensure proper usage and maintenance of the equipment? Your assistance in resolving this confusion would be greatly appreciated.

which output should i use with an 8 OHM cabinet ? #2 or #3 ?

Thakns for your help

online : 

2 & 3. 8 OHM OUTPUT
Connect an 8 OHM cabinet
using socket #2, or connect
a pair of 16 OHM speaker
cabinets to sockets #2 and

previouis owner : 

2 & 3. 8 OHM OUTPUT
Connect an 8 OHM cabinet
using socket #3, or connect
a pair of 16 OHM speaker
cabinets to sockets #2 and

edited 16 May 2024 at 01:01 PM

julien b

asked 16 May 2024 at 12:59 PM

julien b
Answers: 2


Both manuals are correct - sockets #2 and #3 are connected in parallel, so there is no difference between them. You can safely connect one 8 ohm speaker either to socket #2 or #3. You CAN'T connect TWO 8 ohm cabinets at the same time.

answered 16 May 2024 at 06:09 PM

Jacek Klimkiewicz (246)
Ok thank you ! - julien b 16 May 2024 at 06:34 PM



The two 8 Ohm sockets are internally wired together and so for a single 8 Ohm cab, you can plug into either of the two 8 Ohm sockets.

For a pair of 16 Ohm cabs, you would plug both cabs into the two 8 Ohm sockets to correctly match the Impedance. (2X 16 Ohms = 8 Ohms)

For a single 16 Ohm cabinet, the single 16 Ohm socket should be used on the back of the amp.


Marshall Support

answered 17 May 2024 at 08:00 AM

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