Firmware (Factory version)


Is it possible that the firmware version that came with amps can be released as an update in order to reset the amp to factory? Maybe this can help with the Bluetooth issue until new firmware can be issued?

asked 16 Dec 2017 at 04:34 PM

Dave Duncan (57)
Answers: 2


Hello Dave,


Thank you for your message we will look into the possibility of releasing the roll back firmware.


Kind Regards

Marshall Support 

answered 20 Dec 2017 at 10:46 AM



Firmware rollback would be great. Although there should be no change in the amp sound, i think the update to 1.41 changed the sound.

Should not be a big problem, other manufacturers have all the firmware from 1.0.0 to actual on their websites.

There is a bit too much "we will think about..." and "we dont know when xyz will be released" in the support here.
Dont write - DO IT!

edited 31 Jan 2018 at 09:11 AM

Roman Kuhn

answered 31 Jan 2018 at 09:10 AM

Roman Kuhn
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