Can I save a preset to another number?


On the CODE 100 - I mostly use preset 5 BUT would like to opy it to number 6 as well to make slight adjustments!  Possible to copy a present to overwrite another?


If not is there an EASY way to see the settings of this number 5 preset so I can duplicate it?  


Thanks ahead of time!

asked 17 May 2024 at 09:27 PM

Matthew Kernodle (1)
Answers: 1


That's a part of the manual:

To store an edited Preset, Store an edited Preset to a new location, and to rename an edited Preset:
• When you have finished editing, press & hold EXIT/STORE briefly until the Preset name
begins to auto-scroll to the left into the Preset number.
• If you wish to store your edited Preset to another location, turn the PRESET selector to
find a new location, then press & hold EXIT/STORE until STORED appears on the display
Be sure that you want to store to the Preset location that you have selected, as the Preset in that location will be overwritten.

answered 19 May 2024 at 12:34 PM

Jacek Klimkiewicz (246)
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