Unable to connect Code 25 to Mac OS Sonoma14.5


I recenty tried to plug in my Code 25 to an M1 Macbook Air running MacOs14.5. The Mac on connection does recognise the amp being connected when it asks for a permission to be used as a USB accessory but when I try to setup the input for Code, the laptop does not show Code either in System Preferences or Garageband preferneces. I have tried two of the USB B cables to no avail. Kindly helo me out on where the issue might lie. Do i perhaps need to download a driver for the mac to recognise code as an input output device??

Thank you 

asked 07 Jun 2024 at 10:47 AM

Vatsal Loomba
Answers: 1


Hi Vatsal,

If the systems are not seeing code it could be an issue with they systems may need driver updates, to be able to find the Code.


Marshall Support

answered 10 Jun 2024 at 02:03 PM

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