Marshall Code 100h blutooth board broken


My Marshall Code 100h's blutooth daughterboard has broken causing the amp to be unusable. Marshal advised after looking at it that they do not stock any replacements. Does anyone know where I might find a replacement board as the amp is now discontinued and cannot source a second-hand one anywhere?

asked 06 Jul 2024 at 12:16 PM

Michael Lawson (2)
Hi Marshal Support, can you please provide me with the details of the bluetooth board in the Code 100h head in case I can source it worldwide as seems a shame to throw the amp away rather than trying to get it fixed as is less than 5 years old!!! If I can't find a repleacement I may try to find a clever engineero who could detect the faulty component on the board like we used to do to fix things rather than just throwing them away when broken! - Michael Lawson 21 Jul 2024 at 04:13 PM
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