CODE 100 and The Footswitch Controller


Yesterday, I went to my local guitar shop and purchased a Code 100 2x12 Combo and it came with a two-way footswitch. I assumed it would work with it considering I knew it came with a footswitch. However, the footswitch doesnt do much. The effects side does nothing to my amp and when I press the Normal / OD side twice, it will change my amp preset in reverse. For example, if I'm using my JCM 800 tone and I press the Normal / OD button twice, it will go to preset 99. Did they give me the wrong footswitch? Was I supposed to receive the Code programmable footswitch instead and the retail clerk didn't know what he was doing? Or is there a way to program the two way footswitch so it actually can be used effectively rather than a paperweight with a long cable on it? Please let me know as this has been frustrating for me. I play live shows and have shows coming up and can't afford to not have a footswitch. 

asked 19 Jan 2018 at 07:53 PM

James Pilipovic II
I don't think Marshall has released an "up-down" footswitch for the code amps yet. Your footswitch must be for other amps. - Dennis Bowen 20 Jan 2018 at 12:41 PM
Answers: 2


As far as I know CODE 100C is sold with PEDL-91010 foot switch, which is two-button up and down controller. I strongly recommend to buy optional PEDL-91009 four-button programmable device. Fortunately it's not very expensive, and I was really surprised with its funcionality. 

answered 21 Jan 2018 at 07:33 AM

Jacek Klimkiewicz (246)
Yah you really need to get the right footswitch which is excellent. then watch some youtube videos to familiarize yourself with the functions .It's Awesome!
- scott hennessy 21 Jan 2018 at 04:14 PM
Yes The footswitch is a game changer! - ssolo 8 27 Feb 2018 at 03:41 AM


It sounds like the wrong footswitch.  The footswitch that comes stock with the CODE 100H is just two buttons:  preset up and preset down.  There is no effects switch.

answered 21 Jan 2018 at 01:56 AM

Mark Hallman (25)
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