Holdsworth Tone presets


I just got my marshall code! There is a lot of really usefull presets! Can anyone please upload Holdsworth's clean and lead tone presets? Is it possible to install Holdsworth's tone with Marshall code? I would appreciate that!

asked 24 Jan 2018 at 08:38 PM

Ilija Atanasov
ask here mate....

- dave thomas 25 Jan 2018 at 09:31 AM
Thank you very much, Dave! - Ilija Atanasov 25 Jan 2018 at 09:42 AM
Marshallcode.tools is really impressive library, but, still, nothing about Holdsworth tone! I guess is hard to achieve! Really need some help here guys! - Ilija Atanasov 25 Jan 2018 at 04:05 PM
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