Does the Marshall Gateway App work via USB and a Windows Laptop?


Is it possible to control and make changes to the existing preloaded patches of the Code App via the USB port connected to a Windows 10 Laptop?

or the Marshall Gateway App works only with Android/iPhone via Bluetooth?






asked 05 Jul 2018 at 06:58 AM

Mel Gili
Answers: 1


No,  Marshall Gateway App does NOT work on Windows.

There is a third party software you can find here:

On the other hand I still don't understand why Marshall Team focused on mobile app, instead of descent PC program...

edited 05 Jul 2018 at 09:16 PM

Jacek Klimkiewicz (259)

answered 05 Jul 2018 at 09:15 PM

Jacek Klimkiewicz (259)
I agree the Marshall Team should have developed a PC based version of the Gateway App.

Does this third party software works fine? Is it possible to control, edit, change all settings of the preloaded patches?

- Mel Gili 06 Jul 2018 at 05:36 AM
In my opinion it works quite well. It's free, so there is no reason NOT to try it... :-) - Jacek Klimkiewicz 06 Jul 2018 at 06:00 AM
sure I will, when I buy my code,
many thanks
- Mel Gili 06 Jul 2018 at 11:08 AM
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