Marshall code 50 frozen up...


    I have the new Code 50 amp.  I was playing it and it suddenly went silent.  I noticed then the screen was on, so it didn't short out.  Looking into it more, I found the screen had stopped scrolling and all buttons and knobs are unresponsive. I tried (1.) turning it off, then back on, (2.) turning it of, unplugging it and waiting a few moments, plugging back in, then turning it bad on,  Still nothing. I've even tried the (.3) factory reset in the manual.  No avail.  I can plug my iPod into the line in jack and it plays fine, but all the buttons and knobs won't response. Please help!

edited 12 Aug 2016 at 09:59 PM

Clifford Washington

asked 12 Aug 2016 at 07:30 PM

Clifford Washington
Answers: 1


Hello Clifford,

I am sorry to hear your Code 50 has frozen, we have had a couple of instances like this where turning it off and back on again usually solves the problem. However in this case we would suggest returning to your dealer for an inspection and possible repair.

answered 15 Aug 2016 at 08:52 AM

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