Can't connect more than one CODE via USB


Hi I have a CODE 100 half stack (100H + 4x12 cab) AND a CODE 100 2x12 combo, which just arrived today.

I was expecting the two CODE amps to work together on USB, so I can get 2 guitar traces into my Mac in parallel. Unfortunately I'm disappointed to see that Mac will only see ONE CODE at a time. Looks like they both have the same device ID which creates issue on the bus?

Is this an actual bug? If so, please remove this limitation via firmware update because it would definitely make sense to have more than one CODE connected to the computer without needing additional hardware such a sound interface.

Please let me know asap thanks.

asked 08 Feb 2019 at 03:27 PM

Lele X (14)
Answers: 1


I have the same problem with multiple CODE amps. but it’s your operating system and/or DAW that’s the problem.   Windows sees multiple amps. (it just numbers them e.g. “1-CODE”, “2-CODE”) no problem.  And some DAWs use the same concept of numbering them incrementally.  But others only see “CODE” and will only allow you to address the first one that was connected.

Be nice to be able to enter your own device name on the amp. but based on my almost two years of experience with these amps.: not gonna happen!!!!  Don’t hold your breath!!!

answered 12 Feb 2019 at 12:33 AM

Dale Paterson (105)
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