Your greatly🤮designed app


Thsi is NOT a question. More of an eye opener, if you do this.        

     Take your PERSONAL cell phone. Pull up GOOGLE  PLAY. Not this site. The actual Google play store. Pull up Marshall gateway.....READ THE REVIEWS......They say it all......Your app, that you designed, SUCKS....I could understand blaming phones if it was maybe 3 or 4 out of 50 reviews. But, that's not the case here. You have 50 bad reviews (1 star) to every 55-70 reviews.....Not good....If you're not going to fix the app......DISCONTINUE THE CODE LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

edited 07 Apr 2019 at 08:34 PM

Jamie Carter (16)

asked 07 Apr 2019 at 08:05 PM

Jamie Carter (16)
It is the brand of phones it seems. My Samsung J7, S7, S9, do not work, but Sony Xperia does, go figure. - James Graham 13 May 2019 at 10:14 PM
Answers: 7


No. Connects to my amp. Just Gateway doesn't work. My phone works perfectly.  And as I said in my post, almost every review is a 1 star. I read them. The app sucks. It crashes, it disconnects during a performance......that's not a phone problem. It's a bug in the app....

answered 08 Apr 2019 at 03:10 PM

Jamie Carter (16)


Have you noticed that Bluetooth in general in problematic? Not just with the code but with other devices.  I've always been able to connect with different
phones/tablets both Android and Apple but it's just because I've messed with Bluetooth in my car and bluetooth headphones.  

answered 08 Apr 2019 at 03:43 AM

Pat Brown (25)


Sorry, Jamie. I can't agree with you. First of all, in my case, both app and connection works OK. I've installed it on my phone and my tablet (rather old, with Android 4.4.2) - no problem on these devices.

Second - you wrote "it disconnects during a performance". What, the hell, you can do with this app when your hands are busy with playing guitar???  How many presets do you use during, let's say, 2 hours performance? Five? Six? Seven? Most of guitar palyers I know use two: one for playing background for vocal, and another one for solo. Sometimes the third for intro to one song...

I strongly recommed you to buy PEDL-91009 and don't play with a phone while playing guitar.

answered 09 Apr 2019 at 06:25 AM

Jacek Klimkiewicz (246)
Garage.........I know how to spell too.....spell correct..... - Jamie Carter 12 Apr 2019 at 02:18 AM
? - mabel goodrich 25 Apr 2021 at 07:51 AM


Maybe the problem with the app is the Android version.  I use the app on my Iphone and I have not had a problem with it.  I also would recommend using the PEDL-91009 for performances.  It works great to save 3 presets into one of the letters for a song and use that during a performance.  I don't think I'd use my phone during a performance.  In fact, I turn blue tooth off on my phone so that it is not connected.

answered 09 Apr 2019 at 09:32 PM

Steve Schroeder


The settings somehow are not the same when I turn my bluetooth off......And yes....there are glitches in the app.....And I have the pedal......

answered 12 Apr 2019 at 02:21 AM

Jamie Carter (16)

votes guys have all the answers....answer this. You say that it's my error that gateway doesn't work correctly.......Explain why gateway wouldn't let me sign in.......Could yesterday....but not today....And NO.....DIDN'T CHANGE SQUAT.........It's a glitch..........And yes.....I even deleted the app and reinstalled it.......Didn't work....What now batman???????

answered 12 Apr 2019 at 05:45 PM

Jamie Carter (16)


I havent ever had a problem. Not on my walmart phone, not on my windows 10 laptop. The only problem i have is after bluetooth pairing, opening gateway it takes a little while before the app recognizes its connected to the amp. Other than that its been flawless for me. All the way through previewing presets and updating my presets online. 

answered 15 Apr 2019 at 01:20 AM

William Burleson
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