Expierences with the warranty procedure?


Hi there,

I hope my english will be understandable. :)

I bought the Marshall Major II Bluetooth headphones almost two years ago and they were doing well and I was happy with them. Now there's a problem with the controll knob on the backside. So I mailed the support service and got excellent help from them. I mailed some photos and conformation that I really have bought them. Now they want me to totally destroy them by cutting cables and snapping them in half before they can send new ones. I find this quite an unusual procedure and want to know if this is normal and if anyone had made similar expierienced and if this is trustworthy. 

Thanks for your help

Greetings from Germany


asked 23 May 2019 at 05:19 PM

Miles Müller
I wanted to buy it. But now I have a question if it is worth buying. - Marvin Guerrera 25 May 2019 at 11:05 AM
Hi Marvin,
I can absolutely recommend them. I was happier with my headphones than with my PC. I don't know how much they do cost now, but I bought them for 112€ and it was worth it. I recommended them to two friends of mine and noone had problems. The only problem was the controll button but I am the only one I know, who had issues with it so I guess it was a simple mechanical failure that can happen sometimes. Almost two years of good service.
- Miles Müller 25 May 2019 at 06:27 PM
Hi, I have similar problem to yours and have been having my headphones for more than 1.5 years and I contacted the support service and they told me the same thing(to destroy my headphone). So how did it go with the headphones replacement? - Wa Ode Iin Arliani Soleman 16 Oct 2019 at 11:00 AM
Answers: 1


Hello Miles,

If you have been talking to the Marshall Headphones support team, and they have instructed you to destroy the headphones then this must be in their replacement policy.


Kind Regards

Marshall Support

answered 31 May 2019 at 11:21 AM

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