Master volume marshall code 50


It seems that all of us code owners has the same problem with the master volume, it's a double potentiometer vertically soldered to the board. I've measured my master vol pot, both pot vipers seems to miss contact from time to time when you turn the knob. So thats means to me a broken potentiometer. The surface inside the pot where the viper travels is partly broken. I noticed that the pot does not have anything to do with any software or firmware, so no firmware update will help here. So my question is where to buy a new master volume potentiometer for marshall code 50.  Best regards keep up the good work.

edited 29 Jul 2019 at 04:55 PM

Kaj Nyman (5)

asked 23 Jul 2019 at 05:44 PM

Kaj Nyman (5)
Hi Kaj,

Have you've found this pot to change yet? Like everybody, I have the same problem here, but I guess if I could make some adaptation using maybe a better quality double pot wired to PCB, instead of the direct soldering of the terminals, but I'm not sure if it works since regular double pots has a height that may not fit properly between the PCB and the front panel. Another doubt of mine (since there's no schematic diagrams available) is the resistance values of those original pots, the tapers (if A or B) and the correct connections of terminals to the PCB points in case of using pots not soldered direct to the board. In a first view, it seems that the original pot is a common 6 pin double taper, but I wouldn't be surprised if marshall is using a custom one unavailable to sell to everyone. It shouldn't be that way but this seems like an unsolvable problem, since Marshall's support for this model in this forum is terrible. Changing the PCB seems to be the only solution, but I think it would be an absurd to spend money on something that could very well be fixed for a fraction of the amount. Thanks in advance for any information you or another member has to help us.

- Gustavo França 29 Jan 2023 at 06:12 PM
Answers: 5


Hello there, I have not yet done anything with this pot problem, but what I remember it should be possible to drill a hole thrue the pcb there the pot axle should be, in other words I could use a double pot with a longer axle and then solder it with wires. I guess it should work. Have to connect it right ofcourse. I am going to try this some time in the future, not sure yet when. I hope this gives some idea of a possible solution.


Kaj Nyman

answered 29 Jan 2023 at 06:35 PM

Kaj Nyman (5)



I don´t remember the value of the double pot,

but it is easy to measure when soldered off the board,

'personally I would choose logaritmic potentiometer becourse 

the volume wouldn´t jump up so fast in the beginning.

It is moore easely to adjust the volume.

I am glad if anything of this helps.

Kaj Nyman

answered 30 Jan 2023 at 05:41 PM

Kaj Nyman (5)


Hi Kaj. Thanks for the quick response. Yes, I intend to try and make some adaptation to accommodate a bigger pot, and I think that should work as well. Have you even measured the resistance values ​​on the pot pins, and tried to find out if they are linear or logarithmic? My biggest doubt at this moment is to know the value of that pot, and to try at first to find an equal one or to exchange it for one with a bigger body. Please let me know if you have this information. Thank you so much again!

answered 30 Jan 2023 at 05:12 PM

Gustavo França (4)


Hi Kaj, thanks again for the answer.

I just made a question here in the forum for Marshall Support, you can read it as you open the forum since it appears as featured.

Let's see if they give us a more specific answer this time. I'm a bit tired of the Marshall Support's same useless answers about this issue.


edited 30 Jan 2023 at 08:42 PM

Gustavo França (4)

answered 30 Jan 2023 at 08:26 PM

Gustavo França (4)


From design kind of view it looks like these ones
h t t p s  //

h t t p s //

Is the restistance printed on side?

Just search for the following words e.g. " RK12 potentiometer dual 23MM 6 pin" at ebay

But I don't know the correct values.

edited 14 Feb 2023 at 06:44 PM

Alex Thies (17)

answered 14 Feb 2023 at 06:37 PM

Alex Thies (17)
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