Gateway App fails to "Context3d not available!" message on all my iOS devices


I know this forum has this question asked a number of times, and the reply is always to delete the app and re-install.  I've done this multiple times, and it never solves the problem.  In fact, I had this app successfully installed on my iPad a few years ago, and hadn't used it latey.  When I use it now, I get the same message.  

Context3d not available! Possible reasons: wrong renderMode or missing device support

I googled this message and found out that it's related to Flash.  Apple has discontinued all support of Flash on iOS devices.  So my educated guess is that you need to re-vamp this application to not use any Flash programming.  No ammount of deleting and reinstalling the app will ever solve this problem.  You need to update the app.

asked 18 Jan 2021 at 11:34 PM

Greg Roberts (1)
Answers: 0
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