CODE50 - Get a horrible feedback when i turn it up loud


So ive been using my code50 for about a month now. Only really used it at my house and im getting on really well with it, i love it. Dead easy to use and like using a mixture of gateway and pedal.

I took it to band practice the other day, a chance for it to really show me what it can do. Turned it up to about half way on the master volume and i had this horrible screeching feedback come through every time i even touched my guitar strings. Almost as if my guitar was right up against the amp but it wasnt. 

Was fine on a clean setting, only when i had it on a distorted setting

Anyone else having this issue? 

asked 13 Feb 2017 at 09:43 PM

chris poole
Answers: 3


I have only had my Code 50 for a coule days so I am just learing about it.  But what I have found, on high gain settings especially, if I turn the master up over 2 it about blows me over backwards.  If you have it turned up half way with a high gain setting I bet it would feedback pretty bad.  I would reccomend turning down the gain and/or volume a bit as continued use that loud would probably make your ears bleed.....  I guess powerful or cheap pickups could enhance it too. 

As far as touching your strings making it happen, I think when you touch the strings it's making enough noise to turn your noise gate off which is making the feedback kick in.

answered 05 Mar 2017 at 02:09 PM

Dennis Bowen (20)


Hi Chris,

Thank you for your email, could you please send us a soundclip so we can look into this

Kind Regards

Team Marshall

answered 14 Feb 2017 at 04:25 PM

No worries, will do - chris poole 16 Feb 2017 at 09:37 AM


I have the same problem with the CODE 100 Head, playing AC/DC (Angus Young). Above 1/3 the feedback kicks in. I had this also during a gig, it was horrible and unusable. Anyone with a good solution?


answered 24 Mar 2019 at 03:35 PM

Paul Haullussy
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