Footswitch Tuner


hello Marshall Team

sorry but i have a other question!

i want to use the Turner with the Marshall Code Footswitch.

i have the Code 50.

witch buttons on the Pedl i have to push to turn on the Tuner?

maybe i'am blind, but i cant find it, also dont find in the manual...


thank you

asked 11 Mar 2017 at 10:01 PM

Maik Satow (1)
Hi Maik,

You would need to assign the tuner like you do a preset, so hold down the Pre FX and Amp buttons as well a bank number on the pedal then hold store.

Kind Regards

Team Marshall
- Lee Tomlin 13 Mar 2017 at 09:39 AM
I will try it, thank you! - Maik Satow 13 Mar 2017 at 04:03 PM
hi Team Marshall Chaps,
Isn't this a bit of a glaring omission, dont use the onboard myself as I find them all too slow, but the ability to access the tuner via the footswitch seems like a basic for this type of (multi-stomp replacement) type of amp.
- Alistair James 23 Mar 2017 at 08:45 PM
Mark Snow did that work? I was wondering same thing.... - dwaine brosemer 10 May 2018 at 08:57 PM
Answers: 3


Press the first 2 buttons at the same time.  Press exit when you are done.

answered 12 Mar 2017 at 06:14 PM

Dennis Bowen (20)
Sorry, just noticed you said Pedal, not the amp... - Dennis Bowen 12 Mar 2017 at 06:18 PM


is there a possibillity to turn on the Tuner with the CODE Pedl 91009?

answered 12 Mar 2017 at 10:19 PM

Maik Satow (1)


You can do it on Marshall PEDL-91009 . 

SWITCH Mode enables you to use footcontroller buttons 1 – 3 to activate or deactivate
assigned Section Switches and functions on the
amplifier’s panel.
To enter SWITCH Mode from PRESET Mode,
press and hold any of the footcontroller buttons: 1 - 3.
NOTE: Press and hold the currently active button to change Mode without changing Preset.
Press and hold either of the remaining buttons
to change Mode while activating that button’s
assigned Preset.
The footcontroller display will show the Preset
number that you are currently on.
The three ASSIGNED SWITCH LEDs on the
right side of the footcontroller show the status
of the corresponding Section Switch: 1, 2 and
3. Red means the Section Switch is active, and
Green means it is inactive.
NOTE: The TAP Delay LED will flash red in time
with the current Tap Tempo Delay setting.
Footcontroller button 1 – 3 default Section
Switch assignment is:
1. PRE FX 2. MOD 3. DEL
To change the default Section Switch
• Ensure the footcontroller is in SWITCH
• Press and hold your desired Section Switch
or Tuner/Tap Tempo function on the amplifier
panel and then immediately select and
release the footcontroller button that you
wish to assign: 1 - 3.
• Your selected Section Switch or Tuner/
Tap Tempo function will now be assigned to
the corresponding footcontroller button.
• When you have assigned a panel function to
a footcontroller button, pressing EXIT/STORE
will return you to the main Preset screen.
• To overwrite it, repeat this process.
NOTE: To exit SWITCH Mode and return to
PRESET Mode, press the BANK footcontroller

answered 05 Nov 2021 at 08:48 PM

Aleksandr Belankin
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