Code 25 firmware update


I 'm trying to update firmware via web, the process starts ok but the page says restarting in bootloader mode and the amp screen says ready...  this for about 1 hours  but nothing changes 

asked 28 May 2017 at 02:40 AM

Jose Juan Pliego (2)
Answers: 1


Hi Jose,

We have been advised of an issue with Chrome WebMidi API and the Chromium developers have suggested updating one of the advanced settings in Chrome, as follows - 

  1. Enter ‘chrome://flags’ in the address bar.
  2. Scroll down to near the bottom, and find the item ‘MIDIManager dynamic instantiation for Web MIDI’ (or you can press Ctrl-F, and type ‘midimanager’ to go to it).
  3. Change the drop down from ‘Default’ to ‘Disabled’.  This will require the browser window to reload.

Following this should make the Midi fuctions work correctly on the site again.

Team Marshall

answered 30 May 2017 at 08:29 AM

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