Code 50 speaker


What options are available to replace the stock 4 ohm speaker that comes in the Code 50?  I would like to upgrade to a Celetion or something similar.  The stock speaker flutters at volume when using the heavy distorted/gain presets.  Any recommedations?

asked 29 Jun 2016 at 11:04 PM

Michael Malchoff (3)
I would like to change the speaker in my Code 50 as well; however, I heard from another C50 owner that he spoke to Marshall and he was told no he couldn’t go to an 8 ohm speaker.....I wish I knew for certain - dwaine brosemer 05 Jun 2018 at 06:55 PM
Answers: 1


Hi Michael, 

We would not recommend changing the speaker in the CODE 50, as this is a specially designed and selected speaker to get the best out of the unit. However, we will pass your feedback on to the team to look into.

answered 13 Jul 2016 at 06:49 PM

Chris Robinson (338)
Is it possible to change the 4 Ohm speaker with a 8 Ohm speaker ? - Franck ROUSSEAU 26 Jul 2016 at 07:36 AM
Yes, the opposite however is not - Davi Cezario 20 Oct 2017 at 03:51 PM
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