Marshall Code 25 Not Being Detected By PC


Hello, I bought a Marshall Code 25 a few weeks back and it was working perfectly until I tried connecting it to a PC today using the USB port. The amp is just not showing up anywhere and the PC doesn't detect a new device either.

I've tried :

- Downloading the firmware update software (current version 1.44) to see if it would detect the amp (it did not)

- Using two different cables and two different PCs

- Restarting the amp and reconnecting the cable on both ends

Not sure what I'm doing wrong or what I should be doing next so help would be appreciated.

asked 22 Jun 2021 at 09:07 AM

Harris Javed (1)
Answers: 1


Hi Harris,

Thank you for your comments, I would first suggest making sure you have the correct USB lead, it needs to be a mini usb supported by midi, not a standard charging usb. if you have the correct the USB then the issue could be the drivers on the PCs.


Marshall Support

answered 22 Jun 2021 at 02:51 PM

Yep I was using the wrong cable, amp was detected once I connected it using a data transfer cable.

- Harris Javed 23 Jun 2021 at 03:35 AM
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